Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: 03-11-2023

If it’s not too much trouble, read these Agreements (“Terms,” “Agreements”) cautiously prior to utilizing the infocornerstudio.com site (the “Administration”) worked by Infocornerstudio.com

Your admittance to and utilization of the Help is adapted on your acknowledgment of and consistence with these Terms. These Terms apply to all guests, clients, and other people who access or utilize the Assistance.

By getting to or utilizing the Help, you consent to be limited by these Terms. In the event that you can’t help contradicting any piece of the terms, you may not get to the Assistance.

1. Intellectual Property

The Assistance and its unique substance, highlights, and usefulness are claimed by Infocornerstudio.com and are safeguarded by global copyright, brand name, patent, proprietary innovation, and other licensed innovation or exclusive privileges regulations.

2. User Content

Our Administration permits you to post, connect, store, share, and in any case make accessible certain data, text, illustrations, recordings, or other material (“Content”). You are answerable for the Substance that you post on or through the Help, including its legitimateness, unwavering quality, and propriety.

By posting Content on or through the Assistance, you award us the right and permit to utilize, alter, openly perform, freely show, recreate, and disseminate such Happy on and through the Help. You hold all of your freedoms to any Happy you submit, post, or show on or through the Assistance and are answerable for safeguarding those privileges.

3. Prohibited Uses

You may not involve the Help for any unlawful reason or to request others to perform or take part in any unlawful demonstrations.

4. Links To Other Web Sites

Our Administration might contain connections to outsider sites or administrations not possessed or constrained by Infocornerstudio.com. We have zero influence over and take care of the substance, security arrangements, or practices of any outsider sites or administrations. You further recognize and concur that Infocornerstudio.com will not be capable or responsible, straightforwardly or in a roundabout way, for any harm or misfortune